LifeCity Student Party! September 3, 4pm

Calling all 6-12th graders! LifeCity Student Ministries is getting started and we’re kicking off the school year by having a party! Join us Sunday, Sep. 3, 4pm at Montague Park, Santa Clara, for a Labor Day weekend party you won’t want to miss! Why?!
Because we’re going to have great food, water balloon games, sports, hang out with new friends and much more, that’s why! Got a friend who needs to get connected? Perfect! Bring them too! See ya there!


July 24, 2016 – 6:00 pm
Pastor John’s house
Join us for NextSteps! A casual class that takes place over dinner at Pastor John’s home for those who want to know more about LifeCity, what we believe, or how you can get connected. Take your next step with God and LifeCity! Join us Sunday, Jan. 24, 6pm. The event is free, and dinner and childcare are provided. 
RSVP by emailing us at
or indicate your RSVP on a Connection Card this Sunday!

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