Life Valley Kids!
When we started Life Valley Church, we knew from the beginning that we never wanted this to be a place where parents drag their kids to church – but rather, a place where kids drag their parents to church! We believe that kids deserve to engage spiritual subjects in a way that is fun, exciting, and appropriate for their age level. That’s why you’ll find Life Kids to be…
We don’t let just anyone interact and work with our children! Our LVK! volunteers are screened, trained, and held accountable to giving our kids the best safety they deserve. These are our kids, too.
We believe we have something very unique and special to offer children. This is not simply daycare for parents in the “grown up” service. It’s an opportunity to come alongside you, the parent, to raise up an amazing generation. We use song, games, storytelling, participation, art, and hands on teaching to connect the truths of the Bible to kids in ways they can apply immediately.
We believe that you, the parent, are the most qualified person to teach your children spiritually. Our job on Sunday mornings is to come alongside you with a highlight to your child’s personal growth. But even the best children’s ministry can never replace good parenting. That’s why you can expect to receive materials that you can use, review, and engage your child with. We want you to have the steering wheel to raising your kid.
We think kids should have a great time at church. We believe learning about God and the teachings of Jesus should fill children with wonder, curiosity, and excite their imaginations in addition to shape their values. Otherwise, what kid wants to give up part of their weekend for something boring?! If adults wouldn’t want that, why should kids? Bring your kid our church, and they’ll want to come back!